Aruba Currency - notes and coins Aruba's famous square shaped 50 cent coin

Aruba Currency

Aruba's currency is the florin denoted by the letters "Awg." but also widely known as "Afl.". The official rate at which banks accept US dollar banknotes is Awg. 1,77 and checks at Awg. 1,78. The rate of exchange granted by shops and hotels ranges from Awg. 1,75 to Awg. 1,80 per US dollar.
US Dollars are widely accepted in Aruba, and banks may exchange other foreign currency.


Exchange Rates

  • AWG = Aruban Florin
  • USD = US Dollar
  • CAD = Canadian Dollar
  • EUR = Euro
  • GBP = British Pound
AWG 1.000 0.562 0.776 0,517 0.436
USD 1.780 1.000 1.382 0,921 0.777
CAD 1.288 0.724 1.000 0,666 0.562
EUR 1.933 1.086 1.501 1,000 0.844
GBP 2.291 1.287 1.779 1,185 1.000

Exchange reference rates as at July 26, 2024


Currency Converter

Exchange reference rates as at July 26, 2024


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Traveler's checks & Credit Cards

Traveler's checks are widely accepted and there is no charge for using them in hotels, restaurants and stores. Major credit cards, like Visa and MasterCard, are accepted at most establishments while personal checks are normally not accepted.



Cash may be obtained with MasterCard, Visa and American Express cards at credit card offices, banks, in some casinos and via Western Union. Debit cards and credit cards are accepted by ATMs of Aruba Bank, Banco di Caribe, RBTT Bank, and Caribbean Mercantile Bank. The card must have either a Cirrus or Visa Plus logo. ATM instructions are normally given in Dutch, English, Spanish and Papiamento. Cash is normally dispensed in local currency or US Dollar.