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Aruba's beaches, and there are plenty of them, rank among the cleanest, widest, and most attractive of the Caribbean. The island's entire leeward (south/east) coast, the island's gold coast (north/west), is filled with beaches and their attendant small and large hotels. The beaches are all public and access is easy; either through a hotel or by parking directly at the beach.
Public nudity of any kind is illegal and insulting to the Aruban people. However, there are many very secluded small beaches along the northeast coast, some requiring a 4 wheel drive vehicle to reach, where you may be alone and do as you wish, subject to interruption at any time by 4-WD or horseback tours. There are no facilities of any kind nearby and the surf is extremly rough and dangerous for swimming.
Topless sunbathing and swimming is not against the law, and tolerated on most beaches in the resort areas, but not on resort grounds!!!
Topless beaches are: The Renaissance island & De Palm island