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Aruba Car Rentals

Request Car Rental Quotations in just 1 Request!

Use our car rental request form to automatically query on-island car rental companies for quotations of rates for your upcoming trip to Aruba. Once you submit the quote request below, our website will send these on to each of the car rentals you have designated and you should start receiving quotes from them shortly.


Send Me Car Rental Quotations:

(All form fields are required)
Avis Aruba
Hertz Aruba Rent Car
Optima Car Rental
Tropic Car Rental

Rental Information


Vehicle Description:

Economy - 5 Seats / 4 Doors, Automatic, Airconditioning
MidSize - 5 Seats / 4 Doors, Automatic, Airconditioning
Station - 5 Seats / 5 Doors, Automatic, Airconditioning
Mini Van - 7 Seats / 4-5 Doors, Automatic, Airconditioning
Mini Van - 12 Seats / 4-5 Doors, Automatic, Airconditioning
Jeep - 4-5 Seats / 4-5 Doors, Automatic

Comments & Questions:

(no http:// or www. etc. allowed)

Your Information

DISCLAIMER: While our automated quote email system will deliver your quote request to the chosen car rentals, we don't guarantee that all the car rentals will respond to your request.


Optima Car Rental

airport free transfer available

Camacuri 8 - P.O. Box 358
Oranjestad - Aruba
Tel: +(297) - 582 4828
Fax: +(297) - 582 4966


Avis Car Rental

airport office available

Barcadera 4
Balashi - Aruba
Tel: +(297) - 585 0041
Fax: +(297) - 587 7220


Hertz Aruba Rent Car

airport office available

Sabana Blanco 35
Oranjestad - Aruba
Tel: +(297) - 582 1845
Fax: +(297) - 583 7479


Tropic Car Rental

Seroe Patrishi 43-A
Oranjestad - Aruba

Tel: +(297) - 583 7336 or Cellular: +(297) - 593 0506
Fax: +(297) - 583 7338

Optima Car Rental
Optima Car Rental

Handy Info

  • Arubans drive on the right-hand side of the road.
  • The minimum age of 21-25 and the maximum of 65-70 vary slightly by company.
  • International driving license or any valid license held for at least two full years is required.
  • Our affiliated car rental agencies offer Unlimited Mileage.
  • Credit Card needed for bookings and deposit.
  • Pick up service available, with some exceptions, at the cruise terminal.
  • Insurance recommended (check your credit card policy if you credit card covers this in Aruba as well, and the type of car!).
Optima Car Rental
Optima Car Rental

Driving Tips

  • Speed limit in built-up area is 40 km/h (= 25 Mph). Outside of town 60 km/h (= 37 Mph), except where otherwise posted.
  • On T-junctions traffic on the dead-end road must give right of way to all traffic from left and right.
  • Reduce your speed in rainy weather. Wet roads can be extremely slippery.